
Richard Brekne
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 15:43:58 +0200

A440A@AOL.COM wrote:

> Greetings,
> >?>a needling technique I havent seen before yesterday on the
> phone <snip> The fellow says he puts nine relatively fat holes evenly spaced
> and
> varying depths into each shoulder...>>
>    Umm,  with what?
> Wondering,
> Ed Foote RPT

Grin... a needle silly.... what else... rolf... seriously Ed... he uses a pretty
fat needle to make the initial holes with. Then simply works that same set of
holes to get what he needs. I havent heard his work so I have no idea of how
this works... it just came up in our telephone conversation... seemed like a
curious way of going about things so I thought I would throw it out to y'all.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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