
Richard Brekne
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 09:11:45 +0200

Hi guys and gals..

Ran into a needling technique I havent seen before yesterday on the
phone with a freind. Thought I would throw it out for comment.

The fellow says he puts nine relatively fat holes evenly spaced and
varying depths into each shoulder... then he hangs hammers...when it
comes time to really voice the piano he simply works with these
existing holes... he never stabs a new hole anywhere. He says he
either just reinserts a needle into one of the existing holes, or he
tries to expand the hole by sort of scraping fibers along the walls
of the hole with the point of the needle.

Sounded kinda neat... so I thought I'd see what you all have to say.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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