
Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 02:16:47 EDT

In a message dated 6/13/01 4:08:15 PM Central Daylight Time, 
rbrekne@broadpark.no writes:

<< So what do you tell this kind of person... you try and make sure
 they know what they are doing...what they are getting into...for
 sure... But I would be really interested in anyones opinion who
 wants to have a go at putting themselves in these shoes... what do
 you do ?


This is a situation in which you can get taken to the cleaners. I agree with 
Keith, that it will be very difficult for you to do only what is necessary to 
make the piano play. But the one thing to watch out for is that even though 
the lady only wants you to make the piano play, the next thing you know, 
you're rebuilding the piano, for the price of tuning it.

I would suggest you make a list of things you are going to do for x amount of 
money. Then only do those things. Make sure she understands that this is all 
you're going to do. After your get those things done, and she is unhappy with 
the result, tell you can do more, but it will cost her. Keep doing this until 
she is happy.

Good luck


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