
Ralph & Frances Thorn pianoralph@sympatico.ca
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 17:46:17 -0400

We'll all run into this situation sometime.  Sounds like you've
explained things very tactfully and thoroughly.  I had the same deal
with a British lady who brought her Beautiful bird-cage piano over
here, which of course promptly came unglued and untunable.  She just
had to have Her Piano in good shape, and with the good fortune of
having lots of disposable cash, was glad to have it 'done'.  New
block, top bridge (single pinned, a new one of steel) (yes that
probably changed the sound), Abel hammers, new strings, lots of epoxy
in the S.B. and it played just like new, said she.  Some owners of
squares are peculiar, too.
Just explain things carefully, and take lots of photos for her album,
one or two for yours.  Invite her over to observe the process.  She
may have friends with really good pianos.

Ralph Thorn

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