Sojin grand

Greg Newell
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 17:36:50 -0400

    I had a horrible experience with a Sojin grand about 5 years ago. It was
traded in to a dealer I did some work for by a rather "spritied church" (did
I get that right?). They predictably beat the stuffing out of it and it
became my duty to make something out of it so that it could be sold.
Interestingly enough one of the things that was completely shot were the
damper levers. They were such a strange construction that noone else's were
even close and trying to get them from the Manufacturer was a nightmare to
say the least. After many overseas phone calls to answering machines that
went unanswered, faxes and letters too, I gave up and changed them with
something from the supply house that ended up working but defeating the
sostenuto. Best I could do with what I had to work with. I don't think that
the parts situation has changed much and I really don't remember how much of
the rest of it was so non standard. It's really something I try to block out

Greg wrote:

> Greetings -
> I have been asked to look at a new 4'10" Sojin grand for a perspective
> buyer.  Aside from the obvious limitations of an instrument of this size,
> does anyone have any track record with these instruments that could help
> in my assessment?  This will be the first Sojin I have run across.
> Thanks...
> Mark Potter

Greg Newell
Greg's Piano Forté
12970 Harlon Ave.
Lakewood, Ohio 44107

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