Rolled bridge: cause? diagnosis? treatment? Or maybe afloating pinblock?

Wed, 13 Jun 2001 15:24:39 -0400

or may require that the bridge be re-glued? :)

Wally Wilson RPT

At 10:03 AM 6/13/01 -0500, you wrote:
>>> Bridges don't roll.
>>Some Sohmer bridges do so roll, soundboards - sometimes ribs follow
>>them. Is not a Sohmer, though.
>No apologies necessary. It's been too long since I saw one, but weren't
>agraffes on those bridges alternated up back/up front, to balance out the
>torque? In any case, my point was and is that the bridges aren't going
>anywhere unless the soundboard lets them, and unrolling a bridge will
>require board replacement - or an impedance balanced skyhook. 
>Ron N

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