Grand regulation " In the Piano"

Newton Hunt
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 11:06:44 -0400

The drop is a function of let-off and dip.  Other factors effect drop but
those are the main ones.  You have to se the dip in the piano, set the
let-off in the piano (with extreme accuracy) then you can do the drop on the
piano lid or work bench by exactly duplicating the dip for the section you
are working on.  The hammer must drop very little and then come up a very
small fraction of the original drop.  Drop should be about 1.2 to 1.3 mm
below top dead center of let-off.  At this point carefully check the
aftertouch and make certain the sharps have exactly the same amount as the
neighbor naturals.  It is not rocket science but it does require consistency
and care to get it right.


phil frankenberg wrote:
> How do you set the drop?
> Phil Frankenberg
> Chico Ca.

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