Schwander action

Tom Driscoll
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 00:40:57 -0700

    Let me get this straight. You're requesting help for an unknown quantity
of  undescribed parts , for an unknown piano whose origion you're too lazy
to research. Gee, I bet you will get lots of  response on this one.
    I don't mean to sound flippant, but why not look in the schaff catalog
for possible equivalents or at least put some more effort into your post.
    I happen to have access to several junk grand actions and could possibly
help. Tom Driscoll.
Subject: Schwander action

> List,
> I have a circa 1919 - 1920 grand piano, (I can't remember the date and I
> too lazy right now to look it up), and need a hand full or two of wippens.
> would be happy to pay for them otherwise I will be buying a set of modern
> wippens and retrofitting the rails to accommodate them.  If you have what
> need you know what I mean.
> You may reply privately, just make a notation in the heading.
> Thanks,
> Andrew Remillard

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