Varnish and Tuning Pins

Tue, 12 Jun 2001 15:45:38 -0400


	The air hammer sure seems the way to go.  I want to try that, though the
discussion kind of got away from me.  On the lube/tightener, varnish works
better than shellac for tightening after drying.

Wally Wilson

At 04:15 PM 6/12/01 +0200, you wrote:
>Wilsons wrote:
>> All you say is true, and the varnish does not "glue" the screw to the wood.
>>  However, it is the observation of others and myself that when it dries, it
>> does have a tightening effect on the tuning pin.   The prime purpose of
>> using it is for driving the pin, and it may smooth the turning somewhat
>> where the drilling may wander slightly.  That never happened to me, of
>> course!  :)
>> Wally
>I have run into this advise several places as well... in a few varitations.
>Shellack, and Varnish come typically up... supposed to help torque and at the
>same time contribute to smooth pins. Also run into rubing harpics on your
>when stringing.. this is supposed to help torque a lot... but some have
told me
>it also is a major cause of sticky pins.
>I tried swabing with shellack a few times but didnt feel like it helped
much. I
>thought the discussion on the air hammer a while back seemed like a good
>Will have to try that one out... but thats another story.
>Richard Brekne
>RPT, N.P.T.F.
>Bergen, Norway

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