In a piano worth $100,000's is this a good practice ?

Richard Brekne
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 08:43:39 +0200

Hi Terry.
This line especially caught my attention as it seems more to me that the name
Steinway is really being sort of forgotten. Slowly but surely. I understand they
are selling quite a few pianos around the world..... but you get away from piano
mekkas and the name seems to be not nearly so well recognized as it was some
before. Perhaps this is my imagination... but perhaps not.

Farrell wrote:

>  I think it is this "Steinway thing" that has folks
> assume that because Steinway is obviously the best piano in the world (now
> don't think for a minute that I would say that - this is simply what most
> non-piano techs think, IMHO), it is also the most expensive.
> Terry Farrell

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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