Is age a factor?

David Ilvedson
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 23:35:04 -0700

You learn something everyday...thanks

David I.

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On 6/11/01 at 10:57 PM Ralph & Frances Thorn wrote:

>Even a fine piano can present some unpleasant surprises.  An older
>Yamaha with butt plates requires some extra service, and if
>technicians miss this important detail a piano from the period before
>1977 or so could require some extra work.
>I assume that techs know how to determine the date of production of a
>Yamaha?  In uprights the main rail, treble end top face has a long
>production number printed - the first 2 numbers are the year of
>construction.  Of course, if the rail is wood, it is 1967 or earlier.
>As I recall, a similar number appears in grands, but not sure which
>rail.  (long term or short term memory failing)  On uprights you just
>look straight down inside, without taking off any case parts.  Quite
>Ralph Thorn

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