Is age a factor?

David Ilvedson
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 13:18:57 -0700

Did she know you were a technician?  If the piano has been in her home,
such as one owner, and not abused, it should be valued for its pristine
condition.  I have no problem with a 20 year Yamaha used lightly.  

David I.

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On 6/11/01 at 1:39 PM Clyde Hollinger wrote:

>An ad in the local paper lists a Yamaha console for sale in walnut,
>"mint" condition.  Since I keep watch for pianos that I think might
>interest some of my clients, I called the seller, asking the model,
>serial number and age of the piano.  She said she didn't have the model
>or serial numbers at hand and declined to give the age, saying that for
>a better quality piano that is not a factor.  She did mention it was one
>of the last consoles made by Yamaha in Japan.
>What do you think?  Is age a factor?  I would have thought so, along
>with condition, of course.  When did Yamaha stop making consoles in
>Japan for the USA market?  I'm interested in any information or
>By the way, I did not discuss the piano any further with the owner.  I
>feel that if someone is trying to hide pertinent information, I'm not
>interested, regardless of how nice the piano might be.  Am I right or
>Clyde Hollinger, RPT

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