Verituner........ Its HOT!!!

Duplexdan@AOL.COM Duplexdan@AOL.COM
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 00:40:36 EDT


I'm from New york city, and I am delighted to learn about the activity in 
Holland concerning pianos. We have in New york a fine entrepreneur named 
Maximilliam who is the only Dutch connection I have made with piano 
technology in your area..

My technical specialty is Duplex Scale technology and the fine tuning of 
these scales. If there is any interest or occasion for technicians in your 
area to develop their skills in this discipline I would be disposed to 
contribute where possible. 
I have tools and technology available for instruments with duplex scales and 
do lecture demonstrations around the country on this subject.

Dan Franklin, RPT, Singing Tone

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