Houston Flood - LONG

Duplexdan@AOL.COM Duplexdan@AOL.COM
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 00:21:25 EDT


I wish that there were more functional ways to help you folks out than my 
commiserations and good wishes. I am in New York City and our problems with 
natural disasters have not in recent years included such a disaster as the 
one in your area. However, my colleage Steve Greenstien in the Buffalo area 
has recently suffered a capital loss due to fire and his plight is akin to 
piano technicians in your area.

Last year Our Chapter President Norman Snyder brought up the issue of 
insurance for New York technicians to the Council at the National. However 
this issue was not discussed because the agenda was full and we were late in 
bringing it to their attention. The disaster you have suffered along with the 
most unfortunate accident to Steve's Business points with a flaming arrow at 
the issue of insurance for piano technicians.

I am going to Reno for the convention as alternate delegate, Tom Sheehan is 
our Delegate. i would like to speak to Tom and provide him with enough 
information concerning your situation to make this issue important enough to 
be included on the agenda for The Council. Can you provide me with some 

One thing I do know. That piano technicians always seem to find a way to 
solve a problem. I wish you the best in solving your immediate one, and I 
would like to solicit your cooperation in a National attitude toward 
insurance coverage that covers situations such as yours, and such as those of 
Steve Greenstien and New York Technicians.

Dan Franklin, RPT, Singing Tone

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