broken plate bolt

David Renaud
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 00:14:40 -0400

Old Knabe grand.

A plate bolt 4 7/8 inch long and 3" in diameter sheered
in two as I was screwing  it down. The bottom two inches
of it is left at the bottom of the hole. I was surprised to see
a bolt so thick snap. Yes , It was giving lots of torque, but
not so much as I would expect it to snap. This is an 80 year
old Knabe grand.

Does anybody make a habit of replacing old plate screws?
Any suggestions on getting it out? Anyone been there?
I must find something that will drill it out and plug it, but
it is very hard steel. Or I must plug the three inches above it
and get a shorter bolt.

                              Dave Renaud

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