Kiln dried vs Natural seasoning

Tony Caught
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 13:19:13 +0930


I will have to let Del and Andre Bolduc say how they make soundboards but
they can be and sometimes are made without further drying out. Some minor
compression may be desirable but this also is in dispute. As Yamaha makes
pianos to suit various climatic conditions, whole piano ? is set at various
moisture content per part and that would mean that Yamaha dry some boards
more than others this could explain why there boards in the grey pianos are
causing problems. And why I see more compression areas in Yamies than in
other pianos.

I also live in the tropics where this compression thing is at its worst.


----- Original Message -----
From: Farrell <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: Kiln dried vs Natural seasoning

> "How would you make a soundboard. ?"
> I would dry the panel, radius the ribs, glue ribs to panel in radiused
> press, and then let assembly equilibrate with room conditions.
> I realize it is common to talk of rib crowned vs compression crowned
> soundboard construction. Perhaps you just threw me off a tad because you
> said rib crowned only. I do not construct soundboards. I hope to down the
> road at some time. But my understanding of how Del and Andre Bolduc
> construct their soundboards is that they radius crown the ribs AND dry the
> board down to some ideal moisture content (not as dry as a compression
> only board would be dried). The ribs are then glued to the board and the
> board is allowed to equilibrate in the room environment while taking on
> moisture and ending up with a board that has a combination of rib crowning
> and compression crowning (keeping in mind that the compression crowning
> aspect of such a board will be less than a compression crowned only board.
> I thought by identifying a rib crowned only board, you were referring to
> radiused ribs with a panel bent and glued on without any panel drying
> to gluing to ribs. You don't do that, do you? My understanding is that
> compression crowning is desirable.
> Terry Farrell

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