Destringing fun!--Thanks!

David M. Porritt
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 19:59:43 -0500

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I've used a Dremel tool for years to unstring a piano.  However, I use the
fiber reinforced emery wheels instead of a metal saw blade.  Yep!  Fast and

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On 6/10/01 at 2:02 PM Diane Hofstetter wrote:
Some time ago someone wrote on this list about cutting the wires at the
agraffes with a small toothed saw on a dremmel tool.  I  tried it yesterday
on a Steinway M that I'm restrining--what fun!  More fireworks than the
4th. of July.  And when the string is about to go, it suddenly feels like
you are cutting butter.

I tried to find the post in the archives last night to thank the post-er in
person, but couldn't find it.  Hope he reads this and knows how grateful I
am for the good tip!

Diane Hofstetter 
245-M Mount Hermon Rd.#343 
Scotts Valley, CA 95066 
ph 831-438-6222 
fax 831-430-9741 

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David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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