soundboards improving with age? The End! (OT)
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 14:40:47 -0500

>...Now as you have found it so very neccessary to drag this otherwise
>interesting exchange of human views and ideas into the personal slurs
>areana... I will refuse further escalation in that direction. So bash away
>since you seem to need to... I hope its er... good for you..
>Richard Brekne

First, let me preface my forthcoming remarks with the word .........


"...Personal slurs, bash away, you seem to need to, good for you...".  How
convenient, Richard.

Grin.  You are an internet mystery and master of such things.  If you don't
know it, that would be a shame because you are so good at it.  If you do
know it, that would be a demonstration of strategy implemented to gain
something of perceived value.  Or a little mix of both, who's to really

Grin.  You are the pot calling the kettle black.  When it doesn't go your
way, accuse the other person of doing what you have already done by
proclaiming some imagined improprieties on their part.  At least, that's
the conjecture from my terminal anyway.

Grin.  That's a great word, Richard.  Thank you for introducing and sharing
it as a means of discounting import.  It has proven to be quite educational
for me.


Keith McGavern

 >"The greatest fate an hypothesis can suffer is to be proven wrong"
>Albert Einstein... or somebody like him...

Grin.  Is this quote you give wacky weed lingo (blowing smoke), or can it
be proven?

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