three types of people?

antares antares@EURONET.NL
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 19:45:14 +0200

> Antares,   You say there are three types of people?  I could add a few sub
> categories I think
> Regards to all,
> Carl Meyer

Basic types Carl, basic types!

Head, or mental people : those who basically rely on their mind. They
primarily use their mind and want proof first.

heart, or emotional people : those who basically rely on their emotions or
heart. They react emotionally first and then reason.

belly/gut/mid riff people : those who rely on their 'basic' instincts
They are 'steadfast' in their principle behavior... it answers the 'normal'
daily routine, it poses no threath or danger, and thus it is 'good'.

many varieties between these are possible, that's for sure.


Amsterdam, Holland

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