Keybed Replacement Pictures

Sun, 10 Jun 2001 12:31:26 -0400

I'm repairing a termite-damaged keybed on a 1920s Knabe grand. I can only
assume that such a job is a bit unusual, and perhaps some might be
interested in seeing pictures of it. The project was initiated because a
local hospital called me and said that their lobby piano looked like it was
ready to collapse and thought it might be dangerous. This little rascal was
about one breath of air away from falling over as both front legs were at
maybe 70 degree angles from the floor, and the leg base areas of the keybed
was virtually totally eaten out by termites. When we lifted the piano up, we
did not have to unscrew any screws or wiggle the legs out of the cast iron
key sockets - we just gently pulled them off - SPOOKY!).

The job is basically complete replacement of both ends of the keybed and the
rear part of the bed that contacts to belly rail. I took a bunch of pictures
showing the stripped/routed out keybed cavity, the keybed partially
assembled (some new wood glued in place), partially assembled keybed
installed (just laying in position, not yet epoxied in), and then the
complete keybed installed (again, just laying in position, not yet epoxied
in), but without leg plates installed yet.

If anyone is interested I can send them to you. There are 16 small pictures.
I tried in the past to post other pictures to one of the public type places,
but was unsuccessful. If someone wants to tell me how to do it again, I will
try again.

Terry Farrell

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