aghast with nits

antares antares@EURONET.NL
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 18:29:05 +0200

> At 05:10 PM 06/10/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>>> Dave Nereson, RPT, cellist, pianist, nit-picker
>> Well said Dave Nereson... Now, please tell me....that last word you
>> used..."nit-picker" (hey, I like that mucho!) what does that mean?
>> picking nits, picking nits, picking your zits, picking your wits, picking
>> nit-wits... (?)
>> Antares
>> a bit 'flabbergasted'... (another funny one I do not understand, maybe I
>> should stick to European lingo?.....)
> <grin> OOR, a "nit" is the egg of a louse, or sometimes, a young louse.
> Picture the monkeys going through each other's fur, taking out parasites.
> But we've sort of forgotten that picture, and use it for people who use
> a large magnifying glass to look for itsy, bitsy problems or weaknesses,
> especially in someone else's work or way of doing something.
> As an example of a nitpicker in action --- I bought my nice elderly
> piano teaching friend a lovely young tree for her yard. It glowed with
> health; it was a perfect shape; it was everything that one would want
> a tree to be. Another teacher, a crusty sort of guy, visited her and looked
> at it. One leaf was a little chewed up by the wire from the tag. He homed
> right in on it, and in seconds he said, "What's wrong with that leaf??"
> "Flabbergasted" is a great word, isn't it? Picture someone whose jaw has
> dropped open in astonishment. My old dictionary mentions "flabby" and
> "aghast."
> Vriendelijke groeten,
> Susan 
AH! GREAT! My lovely  teacher Susan in Oregon.

 If there's ever, anybody 'out there' who has the slightest or even tiniest
respect for 'the fact' that >  I.....ME < ...write and communicate in YOUR
silly language (;>))))  ,then pay 'hommage' to Susan Kline in Philomath OR.
I owe it to her!

by the road, Susan,
I know and most suddenly understand the similarities between the Dutch
'neet'... it is a nit!
We also might say to somebody "KALE NEET"! (bald nit!)
'Kaal' means bald....without hair....
Nothing to pick there for a nit

And one more bag of chips tonight and I'll be aghast with flab!   (;>))))


Amsterdam, Holland

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