The bottom line versus integrity

Richard Brekne
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 11:33:01 +0200

Norman Barrett wrote:

> I have enjoyed reading this too. It reminds me of what I heard someone say a
> long time ago.This was, "I don't care about money. It's everyone else! When I
> go to the
> grocery store, Hewants money. When I go to a movie, they want money."  Etc.
> I agree with this. I have to charge you because they charge me.

Ya know the crazy thing is that probably 70 percent or so of the worlds people
feel much the same.. and could probably be easily talked into just droping the
whole money thing.... we would all just continue doing the things needed to be
done just to keep from getting to bored. Utopia is just really so very much
closer then we know.. birds singing... springtime.... lemon pies freshly
baked... Sally waiting in the driveway...

Unfortunatly you have these certain individuals ... significant enough in
number, that believe in all sorts of really strange nasty things that keeps all
of this from happening... Republicans I think they are called...grin... no
nonononono... I didnt say that..

> Norm Barrett
> Memphis chapter PTG

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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