Verituner........ Its HOT!!!

antares antares@EURONET.NL
Sat, 09 Jun 2001 19:10:13 +0200

> Now I have heard several such reports so far... but friend antares I have
> learned to listen closely too these past couple years. The evidence seems to
> be
> stacking up big time....grin...
> I look forward to getting a chance to dink around with one of these one day.
> Antares... have you compared this to the RCT or SAT yet ?? thoughts ??

At the Piano tech school in Amsterdam we have the SAT and we have the RCT.
We started out with the SAT, doing our tuning tests for the VvPN, the
'Vereniging voor Pianotechnici Nederland : 'the Association for Piano
Technicians in the Netherlands'.

Both are very fine instruments.

However... we can fight against the developments in time....but....

One day we buy a camera with which we are very pleased, and one year later,
we see in the shop the next camera, and......

I'll be darned' (so to speak),

it's much better!

It is so incredibly accurate that you (almost) might forget to learn about
The setting of the tuning pins is another matter, it took me at least 15

Friendly greetings

André Oorebeek
Amsterdam, Holland

'where music is, no harm can be'

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