Verituner........ Its HOT!!!

antares antares@EURONET.NL
Sat, 09 Jun 2001 11:55:41 +0200

> Has anyone out there had any experience with the new Verituner 100?  How
> does it compare to the RCT or SAT III?
> Tim Hoover
> Mt. Enterprise, TX

I recently bought one and I can tell you that it is a marvel!
The Verituner measures all overtones, note for note, recalculates,
memorizes, stores, has separate files to store them, has a different measure
and tune program for pitch raising, has a real good display and a very easy
to read wheel with turning spokes and two kinds of backlights and much more.

After having tuned a score of difficult grands and uprights I can tell you
that the tuning result is absolutely fantastic.
After a while, I lost faith in my own tuning capabilities, so I decided to
tune a fairly difficult to tune Schimmel grand.
Of course there was nothing wrong with my abilities and I made a fine tuning
the old fashioned way, but I was a little scared...
It's that good!
Furthermore, it is not too big, not too heavy, and it snuggles right into
the remaining space my former tuning aid left available.
In other words :

Do not hesitate, do yourself a REAL and HUGE favor, and go and get it as
fast as possible.
Man.....Its HOT!!!

Friendly greetings

André Oorebeek
Amsterdam, Holland

'where music is, no harm can be'

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