
Richard Brekne
Sat, 09 Jun 2001 10:29:07 +0200

Neat posting Carl... just goes to show you... even the most crazed conservatives
have a heart stowed away some where...:)

Carl Meyer wrote:

> I'm feeling quite resonant tonight.
> I would say that a soundboard is a very low "Q" device and would have
> multiple resonances.  I am certainly not a soundboard designer, but I think
> the goal would be to get those resonances to be as small and broad as
> possible.

Thats about the size of it me thinks...

> They could be moved around to enhance the boards response as necessary.

That would be nice...yes..

> People have resonance, too.  Think about your best friend.  Ask yourself,
> how fast and how hard would I have to rattle his cage to get a reaction?

Ah... not so hard... :)

> Carl Meyer

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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