visegrip "voicing"

Joe & Penny Goss
Fri, 8 Jun 2001 22:01:40 -0600

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Hi Wendy,
As with any voicing go easy at first and get a feel for what the hammer =
is doing in responce to the vise grips.
Other than that go to it with the same idea in mind as with asy other =
needle steam etc voicing.
I like to think of three spots two of which are the same.

Think upright with me now.
The tip #1 and the other two the top and bottom sholder.
Squeezing the two and three will mostly give more rebound to the hammer.
At the tip will soften the tone unless the hammers are like rocks,
then it will slightly open up the tone.
Work a little on each piano at the bass tenor break and get the feel of =
what is likely to happen.
Good luck in your efforts.

Joe Goss
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: wparham=20
  Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 9:38 PM
  Subject: visegrip "voicing"

  Does anybody know about the technique to use visegrips to voice an =
extremely hard hammer?  Thanks, Wendy

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