Noisy action

Susan Kline
Fri, 08 Jun 2001 20:51:29 -0700

At 05:17 PM 06/08/2001 -0700, you wrote:

>Susan!  If you do this in the field, just watch you don't get caught with an
>open bottle of vodka in your car.  The cop may think you're stinkin' from
>Carl Meyer

LOL. I've taken to heart something I noticed when Ulrich Gerhartz came to
Seattle, and voiced two Steinway D's. His kit was a wonder to me. First of
all, it was TINY, and ORGANIZED. Of course, it helps to be working on only
one model and brand of piano almost all the time. Secondly, although he had
things like ether with collodion, he never had a minute's trouble getting
it all through customs ... because the bottles were tiny, no more than an
ounce or two. Of course that meant that he had to renew the supplies
frequently, but if you're organized that isn't an issue. For people like
me, on the other hand .....................

Well, I haven't taken miniaturization to such an extreme, but I have three
little plastic squeeze bottles of "vodka" (actually, generic ethyl alcohol
diluted with tap water) in different boxes in the car. Someone would have
to search hard to find them. I keep them in ziploc bags, by the way. Whoever
invented ziploc bags deserves our thanks.


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