OT ~ movie "Billy Elliot"

Lance Lafargue lancelafargue@bellsouth.net
Fri, 8 Jun 2001 19:13:53 -0500

Have any of you seen the movie "Billy Elliot" where the father takes a
hammer to Billy's upright and the family warms themselves by the piano keys
in the fireplace?  I thought it was one of those cherished moments in film
that should be clipped and saved for the end of those long days of working
on bad pianos.  Just watching someone get after the piano, then putting a
few keys on the fire as it dies down was kind nice. Notice the low bass
notes rattle as he blasts the plate just after the harp hits the ground,
separate from the sides of the piano.  Nice effect for maybe prepared
piano... %~)

Lance Lafargue, RPT
Mandeville, LA
New Orleans Chapter, PTG

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