Tech on TV! (kinda OT)

pianolover 88
Fri, 08 Jun 2001 16:56:01 -0700

>Please do Terry. I've heard of this show and am anxious to see it. Let us
>know a time and date when you know. Even though he was caught with his
>"pants down", I think Paul Rubens is quite talented. I used to make a point
>of getting up early to watch Pee Wee's Playhouse. What's the new show like?
>Phil Romano
>Myrtle Beach, SC

It's based on the wildly popular CD Rom & internet game. It's kinda like 
jeopary with offbeat humor, and the questions are more entertain ment 
oriented. I won $17,000! It should air June 20th, one show at 8pm pst, and 
another follows. Regis Philbin intros the show as well.

Terry Peterson
Precision Piano Service
Torrance, CA

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