soundboards improving with age? or what else?

Lawrence Becker
Fri, 08 Jun 2001 11:16:49 -0400

At 01:53 AM 6/8/01, you wrote:

>     Second, piano soundboards should not resonate.
>They do, of course, but it would be best if they did not. And, while I don't
>know anything about violin design I rather suspect that violin soundboards
>shouldn't resonate either.
>Delwin D Fandrich
>Piano Designer & Builder
>Hoquiam, Washington  USA
>Web Site:


This is something I hadn't thought about before.  If soundboards don't 
resonate, what are they doing?  They're vibrating, right?  Is resonance a 
sort of harmonic vibration?  How is that different from their ideal sound 

p.s.--maybe you should charge tuition.

Lawrence Becker, RPT
Piano Technician
College-Conservatory of Music
University of Cincinnati

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