The bottom line versus integrity

Clyde Hollinger
Fri, 08 Jun 2001 07:09:32 -0400

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I'll expand on this.  The important word in Kevin's second sentence
(below) is "only."  I think we all need to pay attention to the bottom
line.  I do.  That in part is why I always seek to work efficiently
Efficiency is something I think about even when I'm not working at a
paying job.  Nearly all of my clients become at least casual friends, so
my efficiency breaks down there a little when we take time to chat about
pianos or casual stuff, but it's worth it..  For the few who want no
interaction, who want just "do your job, take your pay and go," well,
that just leaves me feeling a little cheated, for some reason.

I question the relationship you make between integrity and a decent
wage.  I'm proud of my integrity also.  Does that mean I have to work
cheap or do some work without pay?  And this brings to mind a negative
example, a local appliance store I didn't trust at all but I went there
sometimes because they had the lowest prices.  Their low prices didn't
keep them from going bankrupt; in fact, they probably helped them in
that direction.

I like to hire service persons I trust and will pay a little more to
have them rather than someone I think is unethical.  Of course we all
look for the service people who are inexpensive, good at their craft,
AND trustworthy.  That's when we feel we hit the jackpot.

Regards, Clyde

"Kevin E. Ramsey" wrote:

>     The point is; for what do we work? Some people are in the business
> for the bottom line only. That's all they care about;( and I'm not
> talking about piano technicians here.) All they care about is how much
> money they can get for the least amount of effort.  (snip)     The
> price on my integrity is so high, that I'll probably die and be buried
> in a paupers grave like Mozart. The blame belongs to my parents who
> taught me right from wrong.

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