Noisy action

Thu, 07 Jun 2001 22:45:33 -0500


    The steaming suggestion sounds like a good one. Since this a new-ish
piano, it would not qualify for threading bushing cloth under the capstan
contact felt. The felt is not really compressed from age or wear, but from
just being plain hard, right from the start, yes? Threading bushing cloth
can help tired & dented capstan contact felt, but it would also require a
bit of capstan turning, more so that Rogers steaming would. I have not tried
vodka. But dark double boch beer? Oh yea!

Dan Reed

on 6/7/01 10:43 AM, Jeannie Grassi at wrote:

> Dan,
> I did check that and I did think they were overly noisy.  Is there any way
> to quiet down that area without replacing all of the wippen cushions?  And
> if so, will it diminish the effect of the "great cornering ability"?
> Thanks for your input.

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