Noisy action

Susan Kline
Thu, 07 Jun 2001 17:12:13 -0700

At 02:07 PM 06/07/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Susan,
>                  steaming the wip cloth will do the same thing, and a lot
>quicker, lot less drying time, it will not deform the felt either.

but -- but -- but -- Roger! Two drops of vodka! drip drip. drip drip. drip 
It's dry before you reach the end of the row! And how can two drops deform the
felt? Just in the dent!

I'm talking out of my hat. I've only steamed the wippen cushions with a 
damp cloth and an iron. I've only tried the vodka a little, and never on 
the jack adjusting felt. So ... try it, folks! But gingerly, on a few notes 
the first time. Tell me I'm all wet, and need to drink the vodka (!) BUT I 
do have the perfect candidate to try it on. Jacks noisy.


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