Tool making advice

Carl Meyer
Thu, 7 Jun 2001 12:53:16 -0700

Lance,  I've bought some silver solder that you could melt with a soldering
iron.  It's lower temperature than the regular silver solder.  Usually you
will need a torch for the higher temp stuff.

Brazing would work as well and be stronger.  Or, could it be spot welded?
Need to see the configuration to  see.

By the way, brass isn't as good a heat conductor as copper or even aluminum.

My opinion is that all the electric heaters we use in piano work are way too
hot.  It's of course cheaper to use a soldering iron as a source of heat,
but a simple cheap lamp dimmer will cut down the heat and be adjustable.
I have a design for a simple feedback servo to control heat by using a
thermistor to measure the temp and control the current to the heater as
necessary.  It's adjustable and more accurate than a thermostat.  My intent
is to use that concept to make a super-duper shank bender, glue pot, felt
ironer etc etc.  Some day maybe.

Please share your new tool idea.

Carl Meyer
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lance Lafargue" <>
To: "pianotech listserv (E-mail)" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 7:21 AM
Subject: Tool making advice

> I need to attach a metal piece into brass stock.  This tool will be heated
> with a key easing tool.  How can I attach it securely and have it hold
> when heated? It will be stressed and needs to be a strong bond.  Thanks in
> advance.
> Lance Lafargue, RPT
> Mandeville, LA
> New Orleans Chapter, PTG

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