
Thu, 07 Jun 2001 11:26:29 -0600

	Thanks for the info. Drawings might be nice, if it's not too much trouble.
What's the exchange rate like? And... any idea (rough) on shipping cost?
I'll let the customer know.

	I believe it was Ron N that mentioned "lamp thinghies"..... not sure which
Phil you might be thinking of.....

	Ron needs no excuses.... just read and..uh... enjoy.   Or not. Might
depend on the time of day and state of your medications! %^)

It's hard to believe that nobody has bothered to keep a pair off of a DOA.
Then again.... I hadn't. Oh well.

Thanks again,

Guy Nichols, RPT

At 09:51 PM 6/7/01 +0930, you wrote:
>Sconces are for candles Lampe holders are for lampe thingies. One of our
>local parts suppliers has three types listed in his catalogue at Aus $90.00
>per pair.
>The price is right. If you want I can send you drawings.
>That is Lou Parkes

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