Deceptive Advertising

Kevin E. Ramsey
Thu, 7 Jun 2001 06:47:48 -0700

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    Harry Truman had a Hallet in the White House, that's one president. =
But it wasn't a Pearl River.

Kevin E. Ramsey
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: VOCE88@AOL.COM=20
  Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 5:03 AM
  Subject: Re: Deceptive Advertising

  In a message dated 6/6/01 10:16:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time,=20 writes:=20

    I serviced a Hallet, Davis & Co. recently. Korean made (they even =
    "Boston" under the name on the fallboard - the woman that bought the =
piano I=20
    serviced thought it was built in Boston!). Who makes these? Samick? =
    Chang? "The finest materials from around the world"? Right. =
"Included among=20
    the many proud owners of these pianos have been four United States=20
    Presidents." So, let's see. Young Chang started in the '50s. When =
did they=20
    start making Hallets? '80s? So, I guess they must be talking about =
    Bush, Clinton and Dubya??? "Today the Hallet, Davis, & Co. name =
continues to=20
    represent one of the finest pianos made." Uh, ha, Oh, I can't sleep =
    night, should I buy a new Mason & Hamlin or a Hallet, Davis & Co. =
They are=20
    both among the finest pianos made! Certainly no one could tell the=20
    difference between them...........=20

  Hallet & Davis are sold exclusively by Jordan Kitt's (I think they are =

  exclusive) and are made by Pearl River in China. BTW, Cunningham is =
  50 Pearl Rivers back to the company because of manufacturing problems =
  to do with lots of moving wood). In defense of Pearl River, they sent =
  factory techs. FROM CHINA to "correct" the problems, but if I were a=20
  customer, I wouldn't want a piano with the band - aids that they put =
on them.=20

  BTW, I understand other Philly area dealers have already bought these =
  Good luck to them. (And good luck to your customer. You are in for =
lots of=20

  Richard Galassini=20
  Cunningham Piano Co. & Factory=20
  Philadelphia, Pa.=20
  1 (800) 394-1117=20

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