New Bearing Plan for EBVT

Billbrpt@AOL.COM Billbrpt@AOL.COM
Thu, 7 Jun 2001 08:03:24 EDT

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In a message dated 6/7/01 6:42:25 AM Central Daylight Time, (Mike and Jane Spalding) writes:

> please try to include tests and troubleshooting, for example "if the A#-D# 
> 4th and G#-D# 5th beat too fast, then.....  ".  

These intervals are tuned pure in EBVT.  They don't beat at all.  To test the 
purity of a 5th, find the note which would make a minor chord, drop it down 
an octave.  Play that note against the bottom note of the interval, then 
against the top.  If both intervals beat exactly the same, the 5th is pure.

To test for a pure 4th, find the note a major 3rd below the bottom note of 
the interval.  Play it against the bottom note, then against the top note.  
When both intervals beat exactly the same, the 4th is pure.

> n past posts, you've referred to "reverse well temperament, the most common 
> error made by aural tuners attempting equal temperament"?  What is reverse 
> well?  How can I watch out for, and avoid or correct it as I'm setting an 

In any Well Tempered tuning, the chromatic 3rds will have a markedly uneven 
pattern of beating which is in alignment with the cycle of 5ths:  slow for no 
or few sharps or flats, faster for 3 or 4 sharps or flats and very fast for 5 
or 6.  Equal Temperament is very difficult to get exactly equal if only 4ths 
and 5ths are used to tune.  Most people will make some kind of error and thus 
produce uneven 3rds.

The most common mistake is to make the 4ths and 5ths among the white keys too 
pure which will cause the 3rds to be uneven but in *opposition* to the cycle 
of 5ths.  This will make virtually all music played have an out of focus, 
unbalanced sound to it.  I've encountered this kind of error everywhere I've 
gone, north, south, east, west, at Steinway Hall, other piano stores, 
schools, theaters, at the PTG Convention, everywhere.

I'll be in Los Angeles for the weekend, returning Monday night.
Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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