'birds eye'

Robert Goodale rrg@nevada.edu
Thu, 07 Jun 2001 00:15:49 -0500

antares wrote:

> Can anyone tell me what 'birds eye' means in relation to pianos?

It's the little donut thingy that encircles the center pin hole.  It's purpose is
to reduce friction by restricting the contact area of the two mating surfaces of
the flange to this specific area only.

One time a couple of piano techs were out late drinking in a bar at a hotel after
a long day at a PTG convention.  Then one of them reached into his pocked and
realized there was a flange in there that he had copped earlier from the exhibit
area.  In a drunk stupor he leaned over to look at it and said... "Hey... thasss
thin looksss lak a burdz eyeeee..."  Then the other tech looked at it and said...
"yawhatdaya know.... it shor duz dud'n it..."   So then the next day they told
all of their friends about it over breakfast at a ridiculously over priced hotel
restaurant and from that time forward it became known as a "Bird's Eye".  Which
is really a pretty darn good name when you think about it because "little donut
thingy" sounds kind of silly.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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