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David Ilvedson
Tue, 05 Jun 2001 22:50:20 -0700


Did you really drive those kind of miles?  I remember in my first year I
would drive all over NW North Dakota and be gone for a week at a time.
Brings a smile to my face to remember those farms and the keytop job I did
up in a two-bit hotel.  But I was young, single and fancy free and I had
the world by the tail.  Now I'm middle-aged, married and the fancy ain't
free anymore!

David I.

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On 6/5/01 at 10:07 PM Tom Cole wrote:

>pianolover 88 wrote:
>> On a lighter note, If a customer failed to show up for a tuning
>> appointment, would you charge her mileage to make a second trip? I
>> did.
>> Terry Peterson
>> Precision Piano Service
>> Torrance, CA
>You say you charged for the mileage but not for the time lost (or
>spent)? You've just lost a tuning charge (let's call it $100) and now
>you're going to nick 'em for five or ten bucks? I know that gas prices
>are going up. So what do you charge for mileage?
>Everyone's policy is different, no right or wrong about it. The main
>thing is that the customer knows in advance what you charge for, whether
>there is a missed appointment fee, mileage, whatever.
>Now, if the customer was in the _Valley_ and I had to drive the 405 in
>stop-and-go traffic, yeah, I'd charge them plenty. El Segundo, no, I'd
>let 'em slide.
>Tom Cole
>formerly of The Valley

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