
Clyde Hollinger
Tue, 05 Jun 2001 22:06:22 -0400


My personal response to this situation:
1.  At least you mentioned the service charge to him before you got to the
house.  Smart move.
2.  Two months?!  If he had called within a couple days, you fix it and eat it,
because he has a "right" not to pay for repairs or whatever so soon after you
left the house.  But two months?  It's your call what to do.

Regards, Clyde

David Ilvedson wrote:

> List,
> I tuned for a customer 2 months ago and charged for pitch raise/tuning.
> This is a spinet.  He had some problem which he said was like paper on the
> strings.  I did something (didn't make a record of what that was) which
> apparently fixed the problem at no charge.  He called me today and said
> that it was making the noise again right after I left and was appalled when
> I said there would be a service charge.  In hindsight this is, to quote Ron
> N., "No good deed goes un-punished".  I, also in hindsight, realize I need
> to add to my disclaimers...
> Thanks for letting me vent!
> David I.
> b

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