
David Ilvedson
Tue, 05 Jun 2001 16:06:57 -0700

Speaking of steaming, I saw a Norelco home steaming machine, $119.00.  For
use around the home but it has a nozzle attachment and I wonder if it would
work ala Sgt. Steam.  Anyone familiar with this?

David I.

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On 6/5/01 at 3:05 AM Dave Nereson wrote:

>Welp, I checked all the archives (I'm pretty sure) on hammer steaming, and
the gist was that steaming is meant to soften, not harden hammers (which I
surmised), although no one said that explicitly -- the general reason given
for the process was to "improve the tone".   And there never was a definite
answer as to what happens to the tone when the moisture from the steam
evaporates from the hammer.  Does the hammer stay soft or does the drying
cause the wool to shrink and get hard and have a "bangy" tone again?  I
didn't see any definite answers in the archives, unless I'm missing
something.  I have steamed hammers that were extremely hard and it did
soften down the tone.  That was a while back and the customer hasn't called
back to say it's strident again, but then many piano owners don't notice
it's out of tune until it's really bad, either.  --Dave Nereson, RPT

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