Bluthner sale/cheap

David Renaud
Tue, 05 Jun 2001 08:56:07 -0400

I hear some technicians purchase old Steinways in any condition,
and will buy cheap sight unseen.

How about an old Old Bluthner 1890's....any
Over 6 foot,  6' 10''
Has that fouth string in the treble.

Board is flat, needs new board, caps, pinblock is cracked.
Anyone interested in such a piano to rebuild.

I am getting two grands from the same sourse. A 7 foot Karn
that still has some crown and tone but needs a block and everything
, and this Bluthner with flat baord. I'm getting them for a good price.
Would consider trading for some supplies.

Reply privately if interested.

                                         David Renaud

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