bridge repair

David Love
Tue, 05 Jun 2001 03:58:51 -0000


Encountered a 1928 Knabe (5'8").  The bridge cap, which extends down through 
both capo sections, is cracked and delaminating with some bridge pin 
migration.  The rest of the bridge is solid, uncapped and in good condition. 
  The board is good.  The piano has been restrung within the past 20 years.  
The strings are in good condition.  When the piano was restrung they put in 
#4 pins.  So, if I remove all strings in order to remove the plate and recap 
the bridge, I will have to replace the block.  I am trying to determine if 
its feasible to recap the upper part of the bridge without removing the 
plate.  Is it possible, or reasonable?  The plate struts do not get in the 
way of the pinning or notching, but I am trying to figure out how to get 
around the planing problem.  Any thoughts.  Budget limitations and the 
overall value of the piano are considerations.  Any thoughts?

David Love

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