Square hammers

Isaac OLEG SIMANOT oleg-i@wanadoo.fr
Mon, 4 Jun 2001 23:12:24 +0200

<<te: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 11:11:54 -0300
From: piano.tech@ns.sympatico.ca (John Ross)
Subject: Re: Keybed Inserts

Square grand hammers, are really a pain.
If I had been going to do another set, which I am not, I would have
sending them to a European supplier, and having them recovered. I think
this would end up, being a lot less bother.
John M. Ross
Windsor, Nova Scotia


It is not an ad, have a look at http://www.abel-pianoparts.de/

I am sure ABEL KNOWS what are piano hammers, they can recover or make parts
if recovering is too difficult (wood too britle).

The felt is very good . They will tell you what is the best solution when
they will have the old hammers.

The price is about 150$ to have them recovered or a new set.

Isaac OLEG

Good luck

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