technician retiring

Pamela Jenkins
Mon, 04 Jun 2001 14:32:16 -0400

    Hello list,
I am attempting to assist an 80 year old tuner located in NE Michigan sell the accumulated tools and piano repair parts from her 19 year career.  I have spent a few hours in the trunk of her car trying to ascertain what is actually available to sell.  I have aproximately 75% of her
"stuff" inventoried.  There don't seem to be any tuners nearby who are interested so I am posting this to see if anyone out there would be interested in what she has or would have suggestions as to who to contact to sell it.  She said she has written to a couple of schools, but received
no response.  I am trying to help her out as her health is not good at this time.
If anyone is interested, I can post an abbreviated list of what she has.  Mostly it's basic tools, along with some regulation tools, and upright parts such as damper felts, springs, elbows, center pins, bridle straps pedal parts, universal bass strings, piano wire...
Thanks in advance.
Pam Jenkins, Maine chapter.  Michigan in summer.

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