Keybed Inserts

Sun, 3 Jun 2001 08:22:17 -0400

I am rebuilding a termite-damaged keybed on an old Knabe grand. Most of the
keybed is softwood that was largely undamaged. The ends where the legs
attach were maple and oak and were all chewed up. I am replacing the ends.
The keybed has little round wooden inserts that the glide bolts of the
action frame slide on. One of these inserts were in each end of the keybed
and have been destroyed.

What wood(s) are acceptable for keybed insert construction?
What is the grain orientation?
Do I really need the insert at all if the new keybed piece in that area is
hard maple? I can even put a quarter-sawn piece of hard maple in that area
if that grain orientation makes for a better surface.

Thanks for any thoughts.

Terry Farrell

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