not a Steinway any more

Overs Pianos
Sun, 3 Jun 2001 17:28:30 +1000

Yo' all,

Stan wrote:

>. . I think it has been mentioned by one person that Stradivarius (and others,
>notably Amati, Guarneri, etc.) instruments are not usually found today in
>their original form......longer necks, increased angle of the neck, longer
>fingerboards, higher bridges, etc., to conform to the changes in taste of the
>violin sound in the time since the late 16th c.  A few museums have original
>instruments, but they haven't been played regularly, either.  So are they
>still Strads (or others)?  Everyone seems to agree that they are, at least
>the marketplace tends to value them regardless of the later alterations
>nearly universally made.

Good point Stan. I was wondering when someone was going to mention 
this. The older concert violins doing the concert circuit are changed 
practically beyond recognition, yet they remain sought after 
instruments primarily as a result of the hype and mystique which 
surrounds the products of the older makers. Violin trading has many 
similarities to some of the political rubbish and 'hooplah' which 
accompanies some 'respected' pianos makes. There are some very good 
contemporary violin makers who get a fraction of the prices paid for 
some older instruments. Often it seems that the only fault with the 
good modern instruments is that the maker is still alive. It's high 
time this stupid bias was eliminated.

Jim Coleman senior wrote:

>I was just wondering, if a Strad has been restrung and
>fitted with a new bridge and pegs, is it still a Strad?
>Then how about a "golden Tourt bow (sometimes selling for
>$20,000)? If it is re-haired, is it still a Tourt?
>I think the Steinway position is just so much hype.

Well said Jim. It's time our industry matured to the point where we 
might consider the merits or otherwise of an instrument on its 
performance, worrying a little less about which 'stable' it came from.

Ron O


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