It won't be a Steinway anymore!

Richard Brekne
Sat, 02 Jun 2001 18:42:05 +0200

Its not a matter of being right or wrong me thinks.. what you report has been
reported by many through the years. The problem is no one can seem to explain
just how wood can improve thus through time. All the explanations that are out
there are mostly in the realm of the mystikk. Its sort of like asking a priest
to prove to you there is a god..or a nirvana, or whatever that particular priest
is convinced about.

Still, the idea is far to tempting to simply brush aside because a few believers
of the religion called science canjour up their dieties, declare in their name
that there is no explanation for this phenomena ergo it does not exist. After
all... science is out on a limb reaching for catepillars most of the time

I simply can constertate what my own ears tell me, and what seems to make sense
given present day knowledge and predjudice. And that tells me that wood changes
with time... and that whether that / those changes are desirable or not largely
depends on what it is exposed to. This be the case whether we are talking
acoustics, visual estetics,  how well it burns, or just about anything else you
can think of in this regard.


Farrell wrote:

> Well, I'm not a violin technician, but that is what I hear. I realize that
> not everything about the instrument would improve, but my understanding is
> that some of the wood properties do indeed improve. My understanding is that
> modern hi-quality violins really need a few years -decades? - to reach an
> improved tone. Am I way off? I think at a minimum, violins are really
> different from pianos in the way the age. I have never seen a 250 year old
> piano play that was considered to be one of the best sounding pianos in the
> world. At least gimme that - there is a big difference between the two
> instruments regarding aging.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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