It won't be a Steinway anymore!

Richard Brekne
Sat, 02 Jun 2001 10:40:21 +0200

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Farrell wrote:

> A few thoughts. Pianos are much more like cars than they are
> violins. Violins improve with age, pianos do not.--

Hmmm.. I wonder about this statement.  I have heard pianos that
definantly improved with time. Not your heavily used instruments
that get just plane beat to smitherins... but Intruments that get
used a good deal, nicely as it were... and significantly (me thinks
anyways..) they all seemed to have a pretty optimal environment.

We dont really know all what happens to wood used in acoustics over
time. I know Del and Ron tend to point to what little is known about
this and point out that nothing about this knowledge base can
explain any improvment acoustically.. but then like I said... there
is really lots and lots we simply dont know... lots of questions we
havent even dreamed of asking.

I personally firmly believe that any wooden instrument has the
potential to mature in a positive or negative manner... all
dependant on how its treated. Tho admittedly I can not explain why.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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