Steingraeber (was Re: Baldwins, American, Japanese and other makes.)

David Boyce
Sat, 2 Jun 2001 00:10:15 +0100

Hi folks,

Stephen, you ask about information on the Steingraeber pianos.

The website is at

Of their Model 138, they say: "The Model 138 is the largest upright piano
on the world market 
and comparable in terms of sound with a salon grand of 180 cm in length.
This piano lacks nothing of the refinement and exclusivity of a first-class
product and at the great piano test in Paris in 1991 was distinguished as
the world’s best upright.
It can replace a grand in conservatories, town halls and even churches and
for music lovers at home it‘s a dream come true: Better to have a
first-class upright than a mediocre grand. 
Available in every wood finish. 
Styles: Classical, Baroque, Post Modern, Art Deco and individual forms.

I have played a 138, and one of their smaller uprights.  The 138 is very
nice.  It would do very well in a large churh or school hall, and is
capable of very powerful sound, which seems louder a bit away form the
piano.  The sound is rounded and European, not hard or over-bright.

Although it is very good, it is still not as good as the Bosendorfer
upright, which in my opinion nothing can touch.  I did a trawl of london
showrooms a couple of years ago for a customer, and tried ALL the top
uprights, and it only confirmed what I already thought - the Bosendorfer is
special.  My customer bought one, new, and is delighted with it.  His huge
116 yr old Steinway upright is still going strong in another music
teacher's home now.

Best wishes all,


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